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Infographic: Equipping Professional Services Leaders to Walk the Tightrope

Infographic: Equipping Professional Services Leaders to Walk the Tightrope

UPDATEDSep 05, 2023

Is your professional services business finding it difficult to balance profitability, customer satisfaction, and employee retention? You’re not alone.

Project and resource management decisions will always have the potential to impact your company’s profitability, the loyalty of your customers, and how happy employees are to work for your business. Each of these three focus areas is essential to ongoing professional services success, but they aren’t always complementary goals — sometimes, changes made to improve one of these elements will negatively impact the other two.

Finding the right balance in your priorities across projects and resources can be a challenging task, but success means a stronger, better performing organization.

In this infographic, inspired by our new eBook “Walking the Tightrope: Equipping Decision-Makers to Balance Key Priorities With Confidence,” we highlight findings from a Forrester Consulting study commissioned by Kantata and Salesforce concerning the biggest challenges experienced by PSOs, what can destabilize business priorities, and what you can do to set yourself apart from the rest of the market and put your business in a position to lead the way.

Click the infographic to enlarge.

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